The solidarity of Filipinos and diasporic Filipinx with Palestine has helped to open up my understanding of these concepts. It's been moving to see the ways that many diasporic Filipinx have raised their voices and taken to the streets in solidarity. I undertand the ways in which this act of resistance and love is also a call for others to do the same. It's been made really clear to me how standing in solidarity helps to bring safety to others and how individualism discourages taking on this risk.
The solidarity of Filipinos and diasporic Filipinx with Palestine has helped to open up my understanding of these concepts. It's been moving to see the ways that many diasporic Filipinx have raised their voices and taken to the streets in solidarity. I undertand the ways in which this act of resistance and love is also a call for others to do the same. It's been made really clear to me how standing in solidarity helps to bring safety to others and how individualism discourages taking on this risk.